By using centuries old acupuncture with 21st century laser technology, the right supplements, and utilizing new coping skills and healthy habits you can say goodbye to addictions.
Treating drug addiction with Laser Therapy
This holistic, non invasive laser procedure has had an 85% success rate and is gaining worldwide popularity and renown as one of the top methods for treating addictions.
Laser Therapy will help you to gain control of your addiction to drugs. This unique outpatient treatment program starts with a free consultation and assessment, followed by laser therapy treatments and counselling, all-natural supplements for detoxification, and continuous support.
The laser light is applied to several external acupressure energy points on the hands, ears, nose, wrist, feet or arms where it stimulates the nerve endings underneath the skin. This in turn stimulates the release of endorphins (the body's natural mood elevators) in the body. Endorphins give us relief from pain and stress and a general sense of well being.
After each treatment you'll feel relaxed. You can return home or to work immediately. With a series of laser therapy treatments, you can look forward to your future, free from addictions, more confident, and able to make better decisions.
Not every addiction looks the same.
Unfortunately, media representations have painted a misleading picture of how a person suffering from substance abuse disorder appears or behaves.
Often, people do not acknowledge that they have a problem, and friends or family members are the first to notice something has changed. If you are worried that you or a loved one is suffering from an addiction, uncertainty makes it hard to proceed. However, there are some telltale signs and symptoms to help you identify any potential issues.
You keep taking a drug after it's no longer needed for a health problem.
You need more and more of a substance to get the same effects (called "tolerance"), and you can take more before you feel an effect.
You feel strange when the drug wears off. You may be shaky, depressed, sick to your stomach, sweat, or have headaches. You may also be tired or not hungry. In severe cases, you could even be confused, have seizures, or run a fever.
You can't stop yourself from using the drug, even if you want to. You are still using it even though it's making bad things happen in your life, like trouble with friends, family, work, or the law.
You spend a lot of your time thinking about the drug: how to get more, when you'll take it, how good you feel, or how bad you feel afterward.
You have a hard time giving yourself limits. You might say you'll only use "so much" but then can't stop and end up using twice that amount. Or you use it more often than you meant to.
You've lost interest in things you once liked to do.
You've begun having trouble doing normal daily things, like cooking or working.
You drive or do other dangerous things (like use heavy machines) when you are on the drug.
You borrow or steal money to pay for drugs.
You hide the drug use or the effect it is having on you from others.
You're having trouble getting along with co-workers, teachers, friends, or family members. They complain more about how you act or how you've changed.
You sleep too much or too little, compared with how you used to. Or you eat a lot more or a lot less than before.
You look different. You may have bloodshot eyes, bad breath, shakes or tremors, frequent bloody noses, or you may have gained or lost weight.
You have a new set of friends with whom you do drugs and go to different places to use the drugs.
You go to more than one doctor to get prescriptions for the same drug or problem.
You look in other people's medicine cabinets for drugs to take.
You take prescribed meds with alcohol or other drugs.
If you are ready to quit, we will make it faster and easier for you to finally end your addiction. We will support you every step of the way.
For those who require 24-hour care to help them quit drugs, or who are suffering from severe withdrawal, it is essential that they be under medical care. Depending on the individuals' situation, a caregiver may recommend one of several combined methods of treatment, such as residing in a detox centre for a short period of time, then transferring to a recovery centre or going to a rehabilitation centre, additional counselling, or the requirement to attend NA meetings.
If you do not require 24-hour care, it is possible to complete your entire detoxification and to receive counselling with a series of laser therapy treatments at a professional outpatient clinic.
Talk to us about your individual situation. Many people have successfully controlled their addiction to drugs using laser therapy, natural supplements and counselling.
Talk to us about your individual situation. Many people have successfully controlled their addiction to alcohol using laser therapy, natural supplements and counselling.
Offering a safe and effective alternative to inpatient clinics.
Our program uses laser therapy to help clients quit using drugs for good.
We pair laser therapy with all natural supplements, to help you detox from drug addiction safely. We will also discuss your triggers and help you build new coping skills to live a life happy, healthy, and drug free.
Please book in for a free consultation where we will discuss your unique situation, and make a plan that works for you, your family and your schedule. We will then pick a quit date and set up appointments for your laser therapy sessions. Financing is available OAC.
Most people will need 8 sessions to start, these will be booked over two to three weeks to reduce physical withdrawal and lessen cravings.
Extra Laser therapy sessions are available to book if you feel you would like more support. We will work with you to make your custom quit plan and ensure your success!
*Important: Each treatment program for drug addiction begins with 8 treatments to kick start your recovery. Your progress will determine whether you need further treatments. Many patients can control their addiction after just the Take Control Package.